about me

I’ve been on a journey of the heart for almost 5 years. My journey began when everything in my world shifted all at once. My son graduated from high school. We took him to college (and left him there) and then we (my husband and two daughters) moved to a new community.

All of a sudden it was me, myself and I. Yes, I had my husband and children, but once they were all settled into their new schools and new job, it was me that was left unsettled. It was me that was completely out of my element. It was me that was alone.

I realized pretty quickly I needed to do something to help myself, so I began reading all sorts of personal development books, listening to motivational podcasts, journaling, meditating, anything to find my way back. Back to where? That’s what I didn’t know. I had spent the last 10 years, completely absorbed in my work, my family, and every other role I held. I knew who I was for everyone else, but I didn’t know who I was for me and I was lost. I had very little sense of who I was and now, I was my own company. All of a sudden, I had time to focus on me.

I can tell you, I did not like who I was. I was scared, uncertain, exposed, and lonely on the inside. What that looked like on the outside was a friend that withdrew, a wife that expected her husband to fill the void, a mom that was only partially living, and a person that was just trying to “look the part.” It pains me to write this, but really, this is where my story began. From this dark, lonely place, much like a seed before it begins to sprout, I was at the start of reclaiming the person I once was and choosing the person I wanted to someday be.

After a year, I decided to hire a life coach. Hands down, one of the best decisions of my life. I spent the next year and a half, basically standing in front of a mirror deciding:

Do I like what I’m seeing?
Do I like what I’m hearing?
Do I choose this story?
Do I want to keep living this same life?

I cannot begin to tell you the growth, the discomfort, the joy, the empowerment, the reward that comes from choosing this path. Here I am 5 years later and I still have a life/business coach. Why? Because I know the power of having someone stand in front on you, beside you, and behind you as we make our way through this life. This path is not easy. You are asking to be challenged and to be shown where your “stuff” is bubbling up. It’s hard work, but the payoff, is priceless.

What is the payoff?

We live in a world that constantly asks us to question who we are. We live in a constant state of trying to “fit in” to what and who the world asks us to be. Coaching allows for an opportunity to pause and really ask yourself:

Who am I?
What do I want?
What do I choose?

There is nothing “wrong” with what and where you are right now…the question is: are you choosing this life? Are you living your life, or are you reacting to it?

There is power in claiming each day by choice rather than feeling like you are simply responding to what shows up. You, my friend, are the author of your own story. Let’s start writing!

Claim your life. Choose your life. Own your life.

Now, it’s your turn. If you are ready to reclaim the pieces of you that give you a sense of self, and are committed to doing the work to get where you want to go, then let’s get started.

Let’s take the first step together.